Informed Consent

This is something I am truly passionate about! Informed consent is so rarely given because I honestly believe most of the healthcare community has been taught that "there is no risk" or that the risk is soo minute it doesn't matter. I know going through nursing school I was taught vaccines are "safe and effective." Practicing as a Registered Nurse for over a decade I can tell you that all we have to do to provide consent is to give the one page handout usually created by the CDC on the risks/benefits of a specific vaccine.

It was not until I was pregnant that I actually sat down and read my first vaccine insert. I started wondering why they wanted to give a newborn baby a hepatitis B vaccine the day the are born.

All of a sudden I had so many questions:

1) Why does a baby need a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease if Mom does not have it and they won't be exposed to IV needles in their home?

2) Why is there so much aluminum in the vaccine when aluminum is a known neurotoxin?

3) Why would we give it to a newborn when the vaccine wears off usually around 15 years? Is a newborn or a 15 year old more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease?

Why wasn't I taught that we have paid out almost $5 BILLION dollars in our tax payer money to families that have a child that was seriously injured or killed by a vaccine? $5 billion dollars doesn't quite line up with the "safe and effective" moto we were taught.

Why wasn't I taught that all the vaccines that get put on the childhood vaccine schedule are 100% liability free? What is the incentive to creating a safe vaccine if the company isn't liable for any injury or death from the product they create?

. . . . I had so many questions all of a sudden regarding a topic that I use to push so heavily on my family and friends. I actually made my husband get a flu vaccine when we first started dating to "protect my grandparents," because of "herd immunity." Right? I had no idea a huge portion of the vaccines don't prevent transmission.

Here are just a handful of some of the resources I have found helpful in helping our family make an informed decision about our health. I hope it helps you as you navigate what is BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY! Vaccines are such a hot topic and even just writing this I know will trigger so many people because we have all been taught the all mighty slogan that they are "safe and effective."

What is best for my family might look different than what is best for your family. So I won't tell you what to do. If you are wanting to research and make a true informed decision then keep scrolling. Remember you get to make the best decision for your families health, NOT your doctor and not big pharma who profits off you being sick. You're in control Mama!




A few of my favorite informative books! Click on the book title and it will take you to Amazon so you can read the reviews and see if it would be helpful for you.

Questions to consider:

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help guide you in where you might want to start your research.

1) What are the risks of the disease versus the risks of the vaccine for that disease?

2) What ingredients are in that vaccine? Are the risks of the neurotoxins, carcinogens, and other toxins in that vaccine less than the risk of the disease?

3) Does the vaccine prevent transmission or just lessen the symptoms? If you are solely vaccinating for "herd immunity" and to protect the vulnerable, do you know which vaccines actually prevent transmission?

4) Do you know that vaccine manufactures are immune from any liability if your child was injured or killed by a vaccine?

5) If you choose to not vaccinate against a certain disease do you know how to support them naturally if they get it?

​6) Do you know what VAERS is? Do you know how much of our tax payers money has been paid out to date to families whose child died or was seriously injured from a vaccine?

7) Do you know how vaccine studies are done? Do you know there is never a true inert placebo like normal saline used? How can you know the true risk of something if the placebo your comparing it to has risks?

8) What is the history of of the disease and vaccine? How much had the disease already declined before the vaccine was introduced? How much did it decline after the vaccine was introduced?